
Jriver nvidia shield
Jriver nvidia shield

So the special DV/HDR10+ dynamic scene by scene metadata will get lost/ignored*, but i'm not even sure those are used much outside of testfiles**?* They do this via tone-mapping on the PC and present a HDR10 output to your TV, which looks very close to what my TV's native dolby vision output looks like, after i did calibrate the gamma slightly in mpv/JRMC (gamma +3-10).

jriver nvidia shield

TLDR UPDATE Both latest git mpv and JRiver Media Center 29 with JRVR can "correctly" display most dolby vision only files that have no HDR10/HLG fallback. Yet some of those options come kinda close and at least output a "valid" HDR10 stream. TLDR none of the windows 10/Linux options can play DV 100% correct, compared to using the TV's own media player via DLNA. On my quest to get dolby vision working on windows 10 or at least get somewhat usable playback via my new HTPC, here are my current findings.

  • HTPC Guide for Live TV in America (external).
  • Apple TV+ - ( r/tvPlus | r/AppleTvPlus).
  • jriver nvidia shield

  • Steam - ( r/Steam) | ( r/SteamOS) - Gaming.
  • NVIDIA Shield TV - ( r/ShieldAndroidTV | r/NvidiaShield).
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    Jriver nvidia shield